Walrus Weiqi



§ foxwq9d

This dataset consists of (almost?) all games from 2013-01-31 to 2024-04-01, where at least one of the players held a 9D or higher rank at the time. Games from AI users are included. It consists of over 4600000 games from more than 36000 users.

This dataset can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • training high-level playing bots
  • collecting stats about win rates
  • analyzing the distribution and granularity of high ranks on foxwq, which are very wide
  • studying high-level blitz games


§ foxwq_exercises

This dataset contains raw exercise data from the foxwq platform. It includes over 300000 entries.

You can use it e.g. for creating up your own problem sets in applications such as GoGrinder.
